Monday, March 7, 2011

Identifying the 4 goals of misbehavior

Identifying the four goals of misbehavior

How do you feel??
Bothered, annoyed.

What do you usually do?
Remind, nag, scold.

How does your child usually respond?
Stops temporarily. Later, misbehaves again.


How do you feel?
Angry, threatened

What do you usually do?
Punish, fight back, or give in

How does your child usually respond?
Continues to misbehave, defies you, or does what you've asked slowly and sloppily


How do you feel?
Angry,extremely hurt

How does your child usually respond?
Misbehaves even more, keeps trying to get even


How do you feel?
Hopeless, like giving up

What do you usually do?
give up, agree that the child is helpless

How does your child usually respond?
Does not respond or improve

Display of inadequacy

Source: Step - The Parent's Handbook

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